Hello 2021 & welcome.

Amanda Hampson Lovebirds Insta Post.png

Where to begin to explain the last year? It’s a garbled tale of singing on balconies, baking sourdough and fighting over toilet rolls — culminating in a tattooed shaman in buffalo horns occupying the US senate.

Seriously, you couldn’t make it up!

I wonder if you also found some aspects of the restrictions rewarding. It seemed as though people looked out for each other more, got in touch more regularly and most people appreciated the quieter, slower pace of life. Instead of rushing overseas for trips, we walked around our own neighbourhood and were grateful to have that freedom.

After the recent three week hard lockdown of my suburb (home to the infamous ‘Avalon cluster’) and the Northern Beaches, we appreciate every freedom of our release especially being able to see friends and family out of the zone.

If we have learned one thing from all this, it’s not to take anything for granted.

Lockdown is fairly much a way of life for writers so it’s been business as usual here and I have a new novel being released in 2021 which I’m very excited about.

I decided at the start of this pandemic that I would be happy if I survived it. And I am. It’s a bonus to have produced something in the depths of that very difficult winter and I hope you’re going to love it!

Wishing you a happy new year and socially distanced good times in the company of your loved ones.


Lovebirds out in the world!


Travels with 'Sixty Summers'